Teacher Education Policy in Europe - Helsinki Conference
2020-05-13 16:26:00Sustainability competencies in Finnish Educational Policy Documents - Milla Hakkinen, Kalle Juuti, Jari Lavonen & Anni Loukomies, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Educational Sciences
MoreTeacher Education Days - Agrupamento de Escolas do Sátão
2020-02-29 09:00:28Session held in the context of Teacher Training and Sustainability: what possibilities in the school context? Presentation of the TEDS project, team, objectives, phasing, expected results and current work.
MoreSummit Research
2020-11-18 17:16:08Teachers educating for sustainability possibilities from the analysis of research and policy documents
Teds - Noite dos investigadores (Researchers Night)
2021-09-24 20:00:00The TEDS project was present at Science@UA - Science and Technology Fair, at the Fábrica da Ciência Viva de Aveiro, on September 24, 2021. It was the night of researchers, where 13 projects from the University of Aveiro were presented to the community.
Encontro com a Ciência e Tecnologia em Portugal - 2022
2022-05-16 17:44:04O encontro anual da ciênica, tecnologia e inovação em Portugal, decorreu nos dias 16, 17 e 18 de maio, 2022, no Cnetro de Congressos de Lisboa e teve a participação da Coordenadora do Projeto TedS Ana Isabel Andrade, participante da Equipa portuguesa da Universidade de Aveiro.
MoreThe Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) network
2020-05-13 09:00:48Outcomes of the IO1 was presented in the conference of “The Teacher Education Policy in Europe (TEPE) network"
National Distance Learning Week
2022-11-07 09:15:17The National Distance
Learning Week took place from 7 to 10 November, 2022 with the theme Innovation
and the drive for sustainable development in technology-enhanced learning.
During the National
Distance Learning Week presentation on TDS project results and experiences have
been introduced. 74 participants from Lithuanian Association of Distance and
e-Learning (LieDM association) participated during online
presentation and discussions.
ANGEL Webinar Series - New Research on Teacher Education on the theme
2022-02-08 09:19:07Presentation of a communication titled “Teacher education for sustainability and global citizenship: a focus on in-service teachers”, co-authored by Ana Isabel Andrade, Mónica Lourenço & Francisco Parrança da Silva. The communication was presented at ANGEL Webinar Series - New Research on Teacher Education on the theme: "Education for sustainable development with pre-service and in-service teachers". The event took place online on the 8th February 2022.
Colóquio Acedle 2022 - Didática(s), plurilinguismo(s), mundialização(ões)
2022-11-17 09:20:46Presentation
of a communication ttitled “Formação de professores para a sustentabilidade
– reptos da educação para a diversidade linguística e biocultural no âmbito do
projeto TEDS”.
VII Encontro de Pontos de Rede de Ensino de PLE na Ásia
2022-11-25 09:23:55VII Encontro de Pontos de Rede de Ensino de PLE na Ásia, that took place between the 25th and the 26th November 2022, intended to be a reflection on all the work done by Instituto Português do Oriente during 2021 and 2022 to promote the teaching/learning of Portuguese in Asia. It closed with a round table focused on the role of reading. Cristina Sá.
2023-07-06 09:27:12School educating for sustainability: proposals for and from in-service teacher education - TEDS - TEacher Education for sustaonability, 2019. Erasmus +
MoreUAU - Ciência Sem Limites
2022-12-11 09:29:18Educação do Futuro / Episódio 8 de 15 / A diversidade
das populações exige um método de ensino flexível, respeitando as capacidades e
exigências de cada um. São por isso necessários novos modelos de ensino que
repensem a aprendizagem e a relação entre estudantes, professores e o
Rádio / 90 segundos de Ciencia /
2022-11-02 09:30:53Ana Isabel Andrade|Ep. 18802 Nov. 2022
Na Universidade de Aveiro, está a ser desenvolvido um projeto para formar professores no ensino da sustentabilidade.
2022-11-01 09:32:31Rádio Terra Nova /
VOZES DO CIDTFF NA RÁDIO TERRA NOVA/ Maria Helena Araújo e Sá Susana Ambrósio (orgs.), p. 145
Educação à Escuta - 8º ep: «Educação, Cidadania e
Sustentabilidade: que relação?»