Educar para os desafios do século XXI (PT)
2022-02-16 14:00:16Encontro sobre diversidade linguística e cultural e sustentabilidade, com apresentação do projeto TEDS, mesas redondas, workshops, encontro de professores.
MoreEuropean Conference - Sustainability training for teachers and teaching teams
2022-06-14 09:00:32The conference has a composite programme that will take place over two days : 13 and 14 June 2022 at School of education in Nantes (France). It will enable the different actors from the educational community (teachers, educators, researchers, students, heads of institutions, education inspectors, local and national decision makers, etc.) to share their experiences and viewpoints.
Ilmoittautuminen Kestävyyskasvatus-webinaariin
2022-03-07 10:00:34Tervetuloa seuraamaan webinaaria maanantaina 7.3.2022 klo 10:00-12:00! TEDS (Teacher Education for Sustainability) on EU:n ERASMUS+ -hanke, jossa kehitetään kestävän kehityksen opetusta ja opettajankoulutusta. TEDS-hankkeessa ovat mukana viisi eurooppalaista yliopistoa. Kestävyyskasvatus-webinaarissa toimintaan osallistuneet tutkijat ja opettajat jakavat ajatuksiaan ja kokemuksiaan kestävyyskeksintöjen tekemisestä kouluissa.
MoreErasmus+ project LeMoon trainings
2022-09-19 09:16:34TEDs project results
were also presented in Erasmus+ project LeMoon trainings in Kaunas, 19-23
September, 2022. LeMoon project (LeMOON– Love Earth to the Moon and Back:
Development of ECurriculum on Climate Change and Environmental Education for
Secondary Education Students in Online Learning Platform,
2021-1-CZ01-KA220-SCH-000034484) focuses on creating online and F2F activities
for students by school teachers, focusing on solving problems, created by
climate change. One of their first teacher trainings were organized in
Lithuania, where TEDs created programs (IO3-4), and Frameworks (IO1 &IO5)
were shared and analysed. The trainings included 20 participants (teachers)
from Czechia, Poland, Turkey, Austria and Iceland.